MSA 29th Annual Golf Tournament - Oct 27, 2023

MSA San Diego Chapter 29th Annual Golf Tournament
Friday, October 27, 2023
Check-in 7:00 AM
Shotgun start 8:00 AM
Carlton Oaks Golf Club 9200 Inwood Drive
Santee, CA 92071
Come join your fellow MSA San Diego Area Chapter members in a great day of golfing and to help support the Scholarship Fund. Thank you to our 2023 Tournament Sponsors:
Crafco, Inc.
SCA (Sweeping Corp. of America)
WCA (West Coast Arborists, Inc.)
Entry Fees:
$150 per golfer $130 per golfer (retired agency affiliated members)
$265 per golfer (non-member vendor)* - includes 1-year vendor membership for 2024 $40 Lunch fee for non-golfers Entry fee includes green fees, shared golf cart, range balls, lunch and a souvenir bag.
Attire: Appropriate golf attire is required, e.g. collared shirts and appropriate shorts, pants or skirts (golf shorts must be at least mid-thigh in length). Please no cut-offs, blue jeans, sweat pants, gym shorts, or tank tops. This golf course is a non-metal spike facility. Also, no coolers allowed. To help us set up the teams, please provide the names of the people in your foursome if you plan to golf. If you do not enter as a team, we will pair you with others to complete a foursome. Lunch included
Awards for:
1st place teams low gross
Longest drive
Closest to the pin
Sponsorship Opportunities (open only to active MSA Members):
Tournament Sponsor: $1,500 (3 max - sold) Single Vendor Sponsor: $1,000
Watering Hole Sponsor: $450
Trophy Sponsor: $600 (1 max)
Vendor Tee Sponsor: $300 Tee Sponsor: $150
Additional Items:
Mulligans: $5/each 50/50: $5 Raffle Tickets: 1 for $1.00 or 7 for $5.00
Platinum Golf Package $790
4 – Golfers with 2 Carts
1 – Tee Sponsorship
4 - Lunch tickets
4 – Mulligan tickets (1 per golfer)
4 – 50/50 (1 per golfer)
Silver Golf Package $470
2 – Golfers with 1 Cart
1 – Tee Sponsorship
2 - Lunch tickets
2 – Mulligan tickets (1 per golfer)
2 – 50/50 (1 per golfer)
Gold Golf Package: $640* (add $115 for vendor non-members)
4 – Golfers with 2 Carts
4 - Lunch tickets
4 – Mulligan tickets (1 per golfer)
4 – 50/50 (1 per golfer)
Bronze Golf Package $320* (add $115 for vendor non-members)
2 – Golfers with 1 Cart
2 - Lunch tickets
2 – Mulligan tickets (1 per golfer)
2 – 50/50 (1 per golfer)
There will also be lots of raffle prizes!